Summer Gatherings | Outdoors
Saturdays | 2 PM
August – No Gathering
September 7 – Theme: September
Please consider bringing a chair
Auburn Hills Community Center | Seyburn Pavilion
3350 E Seyburn Dr, Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Upcoming Song-swap Themes
Sept: Drinking Songs from Around the World
Oct: Great Lakes & the High Seas
Nov: The Times They Are A’Changin’
Dec: Holiday Potluck/No Song Swap
Jan (25): Criminals, Outlaws, & Thugs
Feb: Most Disturbing Ballads
Mar: Folktales About Animals
Apr: Michigan History
May: Redemption
Jun: Coming of Age/Life Changes
Jul: Picnic/No Song Swap
About Our Gatherings
We usually get together on the first Saturday of the month.
Gatherings are held in the Fellowship Hall of University Presbyterian Church at 1385 South Adams Road, between Hamlin and Avon (we are not affiliated with the church).
The gathering starts with a one-hour presentation. Topics range from unusual instruments and music styles to hands-on “How to Play a (ukulele, harmonica or whatever)” to historical demonstrations and presentations. We break for snacks and conversation in the dining room and reconvene for the Song Swap.
Song Swap is like an open mic, except that the room doesn’t need a microphone. It’s a safe and supportive environment; many people make their first public performance here. It’s a great place to share what you’ve been practicing or for old pros to try out new material.
After that, we may break up into small groups – like singers, instrumental jammers, and talkers. Some people come to listen, and others bring various instruments or their voices (singing, poetry, chatting, etc.), and they gather in circles by interest. We call these “Circles & Jam Sessions.” Some circles have included Native American flutes, fiddles, banjos, harmonicas, dulcimers, singing, songwriting, storytelling, poetry, etc. Many rooms are available for practice or other small groups.